
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



1. 将饼切成条状。
2. 鸡蛋加点盐打散,煎成蛋饼。
3. 将蛋饼、元葱、胡萝卜、白菜都切成丝。
4. 炒锅注油烧热,放姜蒜末爆香后,下菜丝翻炒。
5. 菜丝炒软后,放入饼丝炒,期间放入适量酱油和蚝油调味。
6. 最后放入蛋饼丝炒匀后出锅即可。


1. 肉切丝,加老抽1茶匙,生抽1汤匙,黑胡椒粉,腌制20分钟;蔬菜切丝,蒜拍碎。
2. 锅里热油,大火,加葱姜炝锅,倒入肉丝翻炒至变色,加入蔬菜,翻炒均匀,加入饼丝,倒入少量开水。
3. 翻拌均匀,待加入的水份都被饼丝吸收。根据口味烹入适量盐,加入蒜碎,关火,拌匀即可。


1. 菜切细丝,葱切成葱丝。
2. 锅里放少许油烧热,油热后放葱丝爆香,放白菜丝炒软,然后放适量生抽和少许盐炒匀。
3. 放入饼丝,覆盖在白菜上边,盖上锅盖,转小火焖三分钟,将白菜和饼丝炒匀出锅就好了。


1. 辣白菜切丝,西葫切片,大蒜拍碎。
2. 锅里热油,先放入一部分蒜碎炝锅,放入西葫芦翻炒均匀后,加入辣白菜继续炒至西葫塌软。
3. 加入饼条倒入老抽,翻炒均匀后倒入适量开水,继续炒至水被均匀吸收。


1. 鸡胸肉切成丝,用淀粉、油腌制20分钟,豆角、洋葱、胡萝卜切成丝。
2. 炒锅放油加热,葱姜入锅煸香后鸡丝入锅翻炒,豆角入锅,加酱油翻炒,加适量水盖上锅盖焖一会儿。
3. 豆角8、9分熟时,胡萝卜、洋葱入锅翻炒调味加盐、味精,饼丝入锅翻炒均匀即可。



1. 腊肠切丝,放在锅中小火慢慢煸出油,倒入葱末、洋葱改中火翻炒。
2. 洋葱变软后倒入蔬菜,加少许油,倒入饼丝,加盐翻炒均匀即可出锅。



1. 葱切丝,圆白菜切丝备用;

2. 热锅凉油放入干辣椒,煸出辣味后放入葱花,爆香锅底,放入圆白菜丝,翻炒几下后,加入白醋继续翻炒,再加入生抽;

3. 稍微变软后,铲倒一旁,放入饼丝,翻炒均匀,放入盐,老干妈辣酱继续炒匀;饼丝变软并且和菜均匀,放入鸡精拌匀即可。




1. 红辣椒切丝,青蒜切段

2. 底油把孜然粉五香粉小火炒一下,下干红辣椒,翻炒,变油亮下饼丝,盐,胡椒粉,煸炒到饼干黄 。

3. 下蒜苗,翻炒至蒜苗断生,出锅放味精香油即可。




1. 将瘦肉切成丝,倒入料酒、生抽和老抽,拌匀后腌制半个小时;青椒洗净切丝;豆芽洗净待用。

2. 炒锅放油,六成热时放入花椒,待其变色之后下肉丝翻炒至断生,再放入青椒丝、绿豆芽,淋少许水,盖上盖子焖烧至熟,放入饼丝、盐和味精,翻炒均匀即可出锅。


Cut the cake into strips.

2 eggs add some salt to break up, fried into egg cakes.

3. The quiche, onion, carrots, cabbage are cut into silk.

4. Wok oil heat, put ginger and garlic end of the seasoning, the next stir-fried vegetables.

5. After the soft fried cabbage, put fried wire, during the amount of soy sauce and oyster sauce seasoning.

6. Finally, put the egg whisk wire stir fry pan.

Shredded pork

Ingredients: cake wire, pork tenderloin, bean sprouts, cabbage, salt, onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, soy sauce, pepper


1. Meat shreds, add 1 teaspoon soy sauce, soy sauce 1 tablespoon, black pepper, pickled for 20 minutes; shredded vegetables, garlic beat broken.

2. Heat the oil in the pan, add fire to the onion, stir-fry the onion into the pan, add in the vegetables, stir well, add in the cakes and pour in a small amount of boiling water.

3. Stir well, to be added to the water by the cake wire absorption. Cook salt according to taste, add garlic, turn off the heat, mix well.

Cabbage fried cake

Ingredients: cake wire, oil, soy sauce, garlic, onion


1. Dish cut filaments, scallion cut into onion.

2. Put a little oil in the pan to heat, put hot spring onion saute until fragrant, put cabbage fried soft, then put some soy sauce and a little salt and stir well.

3 into the cake wire, covered in cabbage top, cover the lid, turn the fire simmer for three minutes, the cabbage and cake wire stir well just fine.

Spicy cabbage fried cake

Ingredients: cake wire, spicy cabbage, zucchini, oil, soy sauce, garlic


1. cabbage shredded cabbage, sliced zucchini, garlic beat broken.

2. Heat oil in the pan, first into a portion of garlic chopped pot, add zucchini stir evenly, add spicy cabbage continue to fry zucca collapse soft.

3. Add cake into the soy sauce, stir evenly into the amount of boiled water, stir fry until water is evenly absorbed.

Chicken wire fried cake

Ingredients: cake wire, cowpea, onion, carrot, soy sauce, MSG, onions, ginger, starch, salt, soy sauce


1. Chicken breast cut into filaments, with starch, oil marinated for 20 minutes, beans, onions, carrots cut into filaments.

2. Wok put oil heating, onion ginger pot stir-fry chicken stir fry, beans into the pot, add soy sauce stir fry, add the amount of water cover the lid simmer for a while.

3. Beans 8,9 points cooked, carrots, onions stir fry seasoning salt, MSG, cake wire stir fry evenly.

Sausage fried cake

Ingredients: cakes silk, sausage, onions, cabbage


1. Dachshund shredded, put in a small pot of fire slowly 煸 out of oil, pour diced green onion, stir fry the fire on the onion.

2. After the onion into the soft vegetables, add a little oil, into the cake wire, stir fry evenly with salt pan.

Laoganma vegetarian cake

Ingredients: cake wire, onions, cabbage, dried peppers, salt, chicken, soy sauce, white vinegar, Laoganma hot sauce


1. onion shredded cabbage shredding spare;

2. hot and cold oil into the dried chili, pesto spicy into the chopped green onion, saute the pot at the end, add cabbage silk, stir a few times, add white vinegar to stir, then add soy sauce;

3 slightly softened, shovel aside, into the cake wire, stir evenly, add salt, Lao Ganmang hot sauce continue to stir evenly; cake silk and soft and uniform, add chicken and mix well.

Spicy fried cake

Ingredients: cake wire, garlic, dried red pepper, salt, cumin powder, allspice, MSG, sesame oil


1. Red pepper shredded, green garlic cut into sections

2. Bottom oil Fen cumin powder cummons fried small fire, dried red peppers, stir fry, change the light under the cake wire, salt, pepper, stir-fried to biscuits yellow.

3. Under the garlic, stir fry garlic seedlings off, put the pan to the essence of essential oils can be.

Bean sprouts fried cake

Ingredients: cake wire, lean meat, peppers, bean sprouts, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, MSG


1. The lean meat cut into silk, into the cooking wine, soy sauce and soy sauce, mix well pickled half an hour; green pepper shredded; bean sprouts washed stand-by.

2. Put the oil in the wok and add the pepper to the heat when Liu Cheng is hot. Stir in the pork under the discoloration to break off, then add the green pepper silk, green bean sprouts and shower a little water, Into the cake wire, salt and MSG, stir fry pan.

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